It was a wonderful weekend in the Indian Himalaya. Monsoon is slowly losing its grip!!! Ferns are turning brown, much more sunlight, and clearer mornings/evenings. It's not over yet but that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer, another couple of weeks.
Saturday, my friend Steve could see I needed to get out of town so he lent me his scooter for a couple of hours and I took off into the hills. (thanks Steve) It makes me so happy to be out exploring these amazing mountains and the villages that seem to grow from the mountainside. I can't wait to get my own motorcycle (should be this week) so I can see much more of it. It is almost meditative navigating these crazy mountain roads on a two-wheeled vehicle. Nothing else matters except staying on the road and not getting smooshed by a Tata truck. It is so much fun!!
Sunday about 12 of us took a hike up to one of the peaks in the area called Top Tibba. 3 of us are leading a middle school hike there next Saturday and we needed to scope out the route, the others where just along to enjoy the hike. After a few wrong turns we eventually made it to the top of the ridge which we would follow most of the way to the summit. It was a great hike! We had sun, wind, rain, and thunder. And actually for a spell, all 4 at the same time. It will be an interesting hike with middle school. It is reasonably strenuous, I think there will be plenty of motivational speeches to get some of them to the top, but we'll make it. I'll let you know how it goes.
I feel my life here in India becoming better as I settle in and enjoy the wonderful surroundings. It also helps that monsoon is slowing, monsoon is a serious bummer. I never believed in S.A.D.
(seasonal affective disorder) until I lived in a monsoonal climate. Lack of sun can seriously affect ones mood. Add to it mounds of mold, a damp feel to just about everything and it can seriously get you bummed. I think that within the next two weeks everyones mood on this hillside will improve. There might have to be an end of the monsoon party!!! Hope everyone is well.
(seasonal affective disorder) until I lived in a monsoonal climate. Lack of sun can seriously affect ones mood. Add to it mounds of mold, a damp feel to just about everything and it can seriously get you bummed. I think that within the next two weeks everyones mood on this hillside will improve. There might have to be an end of the monsoon party!!! Hope everyone is well.
The gang enjoying lunch before the final push to the summit. Billowing clouds surround us!
Sounds amazing!
Glad to hear that the weather will become more favorable... sounds like you are getting your bike at just the right time.
Keep the posts coming!
Good to hear you are getting settled in and getting out. You can justify a party better than anyone else, S.A.D. will be a new one.
All the crew went to the Gauley this past weekend. Chris G. stories were told around the campfire.
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