Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Am a Flying Baba

So this weekend I loaded up the bike with paraglider, camping gear, and myself and headed down to DehraDun to do a little paragliding. I have been in email contact with some pilots from Delhi for the past 5 months or so, this weekend I finally got to meet them and go paragliding. They call themselves the Flying Babas, what a great group of guys they are. They picked me up in Dehradun and welcomed me into their group like they knew me for years. After that it was off to the hill. The site is called Hangfire, it got this name because the landing zone is an Indian Army firing range. They shoot missiles and mortars across the river towards the ridge. Scary I know!!! Luckily they were not firing this weekend, but scars from years of use can be seen all over the mountain. The flying conditions on Saturday were not good. No one could sustain much more then a 20 minute flight. But that is OK, it was just nice to have my knees in the breeze. Got 2 flights, great launches and landings. That is all that matter.

Saturday night we camped at Merlins family land on the Sang River. Swimming in the river, drinks, a bonfire and good company made for a great evening. Might end up spending my quarter break heading further up into the mountains with them to paraglide some more this coming weekend.

Here's the bike loaded down on a beautiful Saturday morning, ready to head down.

Here are those pics I promised...Me just after launch on a beautiful afternoon flight

Some of the Flying Babas, minus me and Merlin

Me feeding the cows chipatis (flat bread) Sunday morning at the camp. In my hand is a glass of milk from those same cows.

Me waiting for the bus out on Sunday. Yea, so I am a little hung over, whats it to ya?


Katie said...

Wow! What an amazing adventure! More pictures please!!

Unknown said...

So do you get a members only jacket with the logo on the back?!? ;-)

Very cool that you have a group to go out with for para gliding. Keep on with the adventures!